GJ Gillespie art accepted in 160+ literary and art journals -- including 19 covers.

To see most recent published art go to "Now Showing and News".

Publications Vita complete list.


To publish "Raft of Medusa #3". 

July 3, 2023
Dear GJ Gillespie,

Raft of Medusa #3 by GJ Gillespie. 

Thank you for submitting your work to “Rock Salt Journal” for consideration in our Fall 2023 issue. We would like to accept your piece, "Raft of Medusa #3" for publication. 

This issue will be published in October, 2023. Thanks again!

Jonah Bradenday

Rock Salt Journal

To publish"Personage #9".

Made in 2017 this figurative collage was made with spray paint, pencil, tissue and classical Chinese poetry on rice paper. Design based on a sketch of a turn of the century statue at the Chicago Art Institute.  
Personages #9 by GJ Gillespie. 

June 16, 2023
Hi GJ,

Thank you for your submission to Mud Season Review. We loved your image Personages and would like to publish it as the pairing to our upcoming issue's fiction selection. The piece will be in our June issue, which launches on the 20th.

Thanks again, and congratulations! We hope to be working with you again soon.

Kristin LaFollette
Art Editor, Mud Season Review

Stand by Me by GJ Gillespie. 
Accepts my collage "Stand By Me" for publication. 

June 1, 2023 

Dear GJ:

After carefully considering the work that you submitted to Stoneboat, the editors are happy to let you know that we would like to publish your piece, "Stand by Me," in our upcoming spring issue.

Please let us know if "Stand by Me" is still available for publication.

We are pleased to include your work in our journal. Thank you for submitting to Stoneboat!


Katie Amundsen


Stoneboat Literary Journal


Editors of this art and literary journal accept all 10 pieces I submitted! 
See art here. 

Fortunate Son by GJ Gillespie.

MAY 25, 2023
Dear GJ Gillespie,
Thank you for sending us Art of GJ Gillespie. Your work has received high commendations.

We would like to accept it for publication in Abstract: Contemporary Expressions. 

We suggest that you sign up for our free subscription at to be sure you catch your publication when it goes live.

We welcome future submissions.

Thank you, again.

Kind Regards,
JL Jacobs
Abstract: Contemporary Expressions


Accepts three GJ Gillespie collages.
May 12,2023 

Uncle Albert by GJ Gillespie. 

Hi Gary, 
On behalf of Dark Onus Lit, we'd like to offer acceptance for "Different Drum", "Uncle Albert", and "Love Will Keep Us Together" for Issue 3.
Attached is your Acceptance Letter. 

I don't have an ETA yet but I'd say mid-summer is likely. 


Erric Emerson 
Editor in Chief 
Dark Onus Lit | Dark Onus Press
Read my interview with Dark Onus here 

Editor accepted 4 GJ Gillespie collages! This is the second time my art has appeared in Quibble. 

May 9, 2023

Dear GJ Gillespie,

Congratulations! This message confirms the acceptance of your submission to Quibble.Lit's Issue 10, Rebel. Symbol. Revel.

The names of the pieces we would like to publish:  "Immortality,” "Motorcycle Haiku #1," ”Summer of Love,” and “Forge.” 

Forge by GJ Gillespie. 

Very excited to include your artwork again, GJ.

The planned launch for Rebel. Symbol. Revel. is 10 AM Friday May 12th.

I am blown away by the collected talent in this issue. It is going to be spectacular, and all the better for your contribution.

Please consider following us on social media. Congratulations again, and make sure to promote your win!


I will be in touch with updates, and anything else that may come up.


Thanks again.



Garrett Souliere



To publish two of my collages in the online and print editions. 
Man Who Sold the World #3 by GJ Gillespie

"Man Who Sold the World" chosen for cover art! 

May 8, 20203

Dear GJ,

We would very much like to publish two of your submissions, "Desolation Row #3" and "Man Who Sold the World," in the fall 2023 print and electronic editions of Making Waves: a West Michigan Review.

“Man Who Sold the World” is being considered as a cover image, as one of our top picks, and we will let you know as soon as a decision is made.

Thank you for your submission and for allowing us to participate in the creative process with you.


Nicole Birkett, Linda Sandow, Kathy Barrett and Julia Carter

Editorial Board

Making Waves: a West Michigan Review


If You Could Read My Mind
by GJ Gillespie.
To publish "If You Could Read My Mind" in the July, 2023 issue. 

This abstract collage on paper, 22 x 17, was inspired by a Arshile Gorky painting from the 1950s.

May 1, 2023
Dear GJ,

Congratulations! I am glad to inform you that your piece titled "If you Could Read My Mind" has been accepted for publication.

We are currently placing work in our Issue #21, which is scheduled for a July release. In addition, we will include bio statement you have provided.

In the meantime, you may check out our current issue and podcast feature at

Thank you for sharing your work with us.


Aaron Lelito
Editor in Chief
Wild Roof Journal

Lord of Dogtown
(portrait of skate legend Jay Adams)
by GJ Gillespie.
Accepts two collages: “She’s Not There” and “Lord of Dogtown.” 

April 12, 2023
Dear GJ Gillespie,

Congratulations! Your submission "Art of GJ Gillespie" has been accepted for publication in Havik 2023! We would like to publish “She’s Not There” and “Lord of Dogtown.” 

The book will be released in May. The release party will be virtual/in-person (as part of the Literary Arts Festival)  on Saturday, May 13, 2023. 

Thank you for your submission and congratulations, again!


Aaliyah Gholamipour

Havik 2023

Publishes two collages. 

April 15, 2023

Hi Gary, 

Resurrection #3 black and white by GJ Gillespie. 

We would love to publish your pieces "Resurrection #3 black and white" and "Stand By Me." 

All we need from you is a completed contributor's information sheet (attached to this message), which will also invite you to submit an author portrait. 

Thank you again for trusting us with your work. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!


Ben Trickey

Art Editor,
Touchstone Literary Magazine


WELTER JOURNAL COVER ART Editors chose my collage "Not Dark Yet" for the cover of this print literary journal.
This is my 11th cover!
April, 3, 2023
Not Dark Yet by GJ Gillespie. 

Congratulations from Welter! 

Dear GJ,

Thank you for submitting your fine artwork to Welter. We would like to publish your submission "Not Dark Yet" in our print issue this spring 2023.

We want you to know that we're actually going to use it on our cover. It's beautiful and really fits the aesthetic of our journal.

Please confirm at your very earliest convenience that the work is still available. If this is the case, please send us your mailing address so that you may receive your contributor’s copy. While we cannot offer payment, we promise to publish your work with care and may share it additionally via social media through December 31, 2023. You retain rights to the material.

Thanks again,

Welter Editors



To publish my collage "Motorcycle Haiku".
Motorcycle Haiku by GJ Gillespie.
Collage. 10 x 8, 2014.
Made from Japanese Motorcycle magazines
and classical Japanese calligraphy.

March 24, 2023
We'd like to publish your work!
Dear GJ Gillespie,
! Your Art piece, "Motorcycle Haiku," (submitted for Text-as-Art call) has been selected for publication in our upcoming edition of Jelly Bucket (Number 13).
Please confirm on or before Friday, March 31, that your work is still available for publication. Also, please confirm the title of this artwork and send along the size, media used, and year. We will need a brief bio, less than 75 words, written in the 3rd person to be printed in the journal, too.
Publication is expected this coming summer, in July/August. We will send you a contributor copy shortly thereafter. Please send a mailing address.
Thank you for the opportunity to publish your work, and welcome to Jelly Bucket!
Regina J. Szabo
Managing Editor
Jelly Bucket _____________________________________________________
Quartet #3 will appear on the cover of the next print edition of this literary and art 
This will be my 10th cover. See cover here. 

 Editors will also publish my collage "Ode to Billy Joe" online on march 15. 
Quartet #3 by GJ Gillespie. 

March 12, 2023
Hi GJ!

We're thrilled that you submitted more work to Red Noise Collective and would love to publish "Ode to Billy Joe" on Wednesday, March 15th. Please let us know if you would like to be featured in the promotional post again.

After some discussion, we would also like to consider using "Quartet #3" as the cover art for our upcoming print journal.

Your style is so aligned with the core mission of Red Noise that we feel it would be a great fit. We would also like to offer a $100 honorarium for the use of the image and credit on the title page of the journal.

Thanks again for sharing your work with us, and please feel free to reach out with questions or concerns.


Olivia Pridemore
Red Noise Collective

See cover art 
To publish four of my collages.
Island in the Sun
Feast of the Sun God's Cattle
Anguish of Achilles

March 7, 2023 
Anguish of Achilles by GJ Gillespie. 

Dear GJ Gillespie,

Congratulations! We are pleased to tell you that we'd like to accept "Feast of the Sun God's Cattle, Anguish of Achilles, Juggler, and Island in the Sun" and publish it in the upcoming issue of LEVITATE.

Please confirm that the work has not been published in print or online and that you allow LEVITATE First North American Serial Rights and First Electronic Rights.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Inti Navia & Jocelyn Rivera
Editors in Chief

Accepts my collage "Howl" for publication week of March 13, 2023.
Howl by GJ Gillespie.

March 4, 2023
Dear GJ,
Thank you for sending us Howl. We believe it fits our project's goals and would love to share it as a daily howl! Howler Daily stories are featured Monday–Friday on our website and shared individually on social media throughout the week.
Your submission will go live the week of March 13.
In addition to being shared in the Howler Daily, your work is automatically considered for publication in the second issue of our quarterly magazine, Hymn & Howl. Content for this magazine is curated by the Howler team and selected toward the end of the quarter. We anticipate publishing Issue II in late April. If your piece is chosen, we'll notify you by email with further details.
Thank you for trusting us with your work and for being among the first storytellers with The Howler Project!
The Howler Project
publishes "Puzzle" in issue #9.
Puzzle by GJ Gillespie.

COVER ART -- this is my 9th cover! See art here:
Feb 27, 2023
Dear GJ Gillespie,
! This message confirms the acceptance of your submission entiled "Puzzle" to Quibble.Lit's Issue 9, Puzzle. Riddle. Puddle.
The planned launch for Puzzle. Riddle. Puddle. is March 1st.
This issue is going to be spectacular, and all the better for your contribution.
Please consider following us on social media.
again, and make sure to promote your win!
Thanks again.
Garrett Souliere


This faith based journal will publish all five pieces that I submitted. 

Stop Worrying by GJ Gillespie.

Feb. 24, 2023

Hello GJ Gillespie, 

Thank you again for submitting to Words of The Lamb Magazine. It’s with great pleasure to inform you that your submission the Art of GJ Gillespie has been ACCEPTED!!! 

I've accepted all five pieces because I find them beautiful.

Shot of Love

Stop Worrying 

Prophecies of Love 

Beauty of the Lilies 

Please allow up to two weeks or less to see your work go live. 


Day Sibley, 

Founding Editor of WOTL

To publish three GJ Gillespie collages.
Everyone's Gone to the Moon by GJ Gillespie. 

Feb. 23, 2023 GJ Gillespie,
! "Forever On My Mind # 1" and Forever On My Mind #2 and "Everyone's Gone to the Moon" have been accepted for publication in WFR #2!
We aim to publish in May.
We'd be honored to publish this work. We look forward to hearing from you.

To publish three of GJ Gillespie collages.
Valleri by GJ Gillespie. 
This is the third time my art has appeared in Scapegoat.
Feb. 19, 2023 Dear GJ Gillespie,
Thank you for sending us your art. We love it and would like to publish all three pieces in the summer issue of Scapegoat Review.
3. Valleri.
Thanks again.
Erika Lutzner
Scapegoat Review

Ancient Oaks Figure A23 by GJ Gillespie in inaugural issue on Feb 15, 2023. 
Image made as part of a series during a University of Washington art residence on San Juan Island. See art residency report. 

January 7, 2023 
Ancient Oaks Figure A23 by GJ Gillespie. 

Dear GJ,

Congratulations! This message confirms the acceptance of your piece "Ancient Oaks Figure A23" to Compass Rose Literary Journal, in our inaugural Issue 1.0 "North".

The issue will be published online on February 15, 2023, and will remain online under the Archives section once the subsequent issue is published.

We look forward to publishing your work. Thank you for your support of our new journal!

Kind regards,

Kelly Easton, Editor

Compass Rose Literary Journal

Washington, DC

"Mother", "Soon It's Going to Rain" and "Siren Song" by GJ Gillespie will be 
featured in the February 2023 "Writing Love" issue of this literary and art print journal. 
This is my 75th art publication. 

Siren Song by GJ Gillespie.
February 7, 2023
Dear GJ Gillespie,

Thank you for submitting your artwork to Voices de la Luna. We are delighted to inform you that, “Mother," "Soon It's Going to Rain," and "Siren Song," have been accepted for publication in the February 2023 issue: Writing Love.

We thank you for your submission and will be sending you a print copy for your records. Voices de la Luna also encourages you to submit other pieces in the future.

If you would like to invite friends to subscribe to Voices de la Luna: A Quarterly Literature and Art Magazine in time for this issue, please direct them to

Congratulations again on your selected work!

Viktoria Valenzuela, Associate Editor
Voices de la Luna: A Quarterly Literature & Arts Magazine

Just heard from editor of the Red Noise Collective that two collages I submitted won an art contest they sponsor.
Kaw Kaw by GJ Gillespie.

"Kaw Kaw" and "Three Graces #14" will appear in the online literary and art magazine on February 6. Then the winning pieces are candidates for publication in the print version this summer.
("Winning" means that the art will be featured online and eligible for the print version. No cash award.)
February 1, 2023
Dear GJ Gillespie,
Red Noise Collective is excited to announce that “Three Graces #14” and “Kaw Kaw” have been selected as weekly contest winners!
Your work will be published on our website on Monday, February 6th; we will send you a link when the pieces go live.
If you would like to provide a brief bio or social media handles to accompany your work, please let us know in your reply.
All works in your submission will still be considered for inclusion in Red Noise Collective’s Summer 2023 Journal. We will distribute announcements regarding journal selections in early May.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns!
Warm Regards,
Olivia Pridemore
Five of my collages accepted including one for the cover!
This is my eighth magazine cover. See it here.
Resurrection 3 by GJ Gillespie.
January 11, 2023
Dear GJ Gillespie,
Thank you for sending along your work. It was a genuine joy to view your art. 

Your pieces are dynamic--their varying textures, shades, and color patterns give each piece a vivid sense of movement.
The clear insistence on the human form matched with the abstract nature of your materials and backgrounds results in work that is at once deeply human and entirely spiritual. These pieces are lovely.
We were particularly drawn to the following pieces: "Something in the Way", "Kyrie Eleison Blue,” "Resurrection 3,” "Angelus," and "Three Angels." 

With your permission, we would love to use "Resurrection 3” as the cover for our forthcoming Winter issue of Letters .
Do let us know if this is all agreeable with you.
Thank you, again, for sharing your art with us.
All the best,
Alexandra Marie Green, Managing Editor

"Letters is a semi-annual print journal of literature and visual art attending to the force and friction of religion, spirituality, and belief within contemporary experience.


__________________________________________________ FAUXMOIR LITERARY JOURNAL
January 9
Forever on My Mind #3 by GJ Gillespie. 
Just got word from the editor of Fauxmoir, a literary and art journal, that my 
collage "Forever on My Mind #3" will appear in an upcoming issue.

Dear GJ,
Thank you so much for submitting your work. We truly enjoyed the collection and would love to use Forever on My Mind in Issue 7!

Please send a brief 1st person artist's statement pertaining to that particular piece.

Best, and congratulations!


anuary 3, 2023

Dear GJ,
We love "Sad Eyed Woman” and we’d like to include it in our next issue! 
Sad Eyed Woman by GJ Gillespie. 


Please send us the following:


*a twitter handle (if you have one) that you’d like us to tag when we promote the issue.

*an email address so we can notify you when the issue is released


Thank you for sharing your work!


Have a great week!


Danielle & Jack


Fast Flesh Journal
for Creative Nonfiction

Oak Leaf Pioneer 14 by GJ Gillespie

To publish three of my recent collages made during the San Juan Island art residency!
Nov. 15, 2022
Dear GJ,
Thank you so much for considering Welter Literary Journal Online as a home for your work.
We’re pleased to inform you that we’d like to move forward with publishing your artwork in the fall 2022 edition of Welter Online! We're looking to publish the issue on November 29.
Please confirm that you're still interested in publication ASAP and reply with a brief third-person bio to accompany your work.
I'd Love to Change the World
by GJ Gillespie
From the editor of Portland, Oregon based literary journal. 

Hi GJ,
It's great to see your work again, and congratulations on having three of them already published.
Our editors loved your piece "I'd Love to Change the World." and would be thrilled to publish it in our upcoming issue (Fall/Winter 2022).
Our editorial team will be in touch this week with next steps.
We look forward to working with you!
Thank you,
Lauren Hobson, Editor
Kithe Journal

Title after a 1971 song by the band Ten Years After.

Design inspired by mid-century abstract expressionism.
Made with colored tissue, linen cloth, cheese cloth, found papers, pencil, spray and acrylic paint.
Just got word from the editors of Mason Jar Press that they want to include three of my collages in an upcoming issue. It will be included in Volume 3 of their literary journal called The Jarnal.
Cry Me a River by GJ Gillespie.

Dec. 29, 2022
From: GJ Gillespie
To: Mason Jar Press
Subject: We want this!
Thanks for submitting artwork. We want to publish Cry Me a River, Completes the Picture and Life Cycle.
Please confirm these three pieces are available.
So excited to be publishing your work!
Tara Campbell
Guest Editor The Jarnal Vol. 3
Michael B. Tager
Managing Editor, Mason Jar Press

To publish "Sunday Kind of Love."
Sunday Kind of Love by GJ Gillespie. 
Collage, 22 x 17. 2019. 

Nov. 2, 2022

Dear GJ Gillespie,

We are pleased to announce that your artwork, Sunday Kind of Love, has been selected for publication in The Oakland Review. Congratulations! 


Attached to this official acceptance letter is a contract granting The Oakland Review First North American Serial Rights and permission to use your work in our promotional material across digital and print platforms. 

To receive updates on publication and other OR news, please consider following us on Twitter (@oakland_review). 

We are honored to publish your work and excited that you will be joining the OR family! 

Warm Regards,

Rency Luan

Managing Editor

The Oakland Review


Forever and a Day by GJ Gillespie.

The Cheat River Review -- a literary and art journal sponsored by the West Virginia University MFA program -- wants to publish my collage "Forever and a Day."

This abstract is one of my favorites.
It will be one of several featured in the upcoming show in Langley BC in the spring.

Dear GJ,
We at Cheat River Review love your piece "Forever and a Day" and would like to include it in our upcoming issue.
Thank you!

Zach Hunley
Arts Editor
Cheat River Review
Nocturnum by GJ Gillespie. 
To publish "Nocturnum." 

October 20, 2022.
Dear GJ Gillespie, 

Thanks again for your submission to Straylight. The art team and I really enjoy your piece, "Nocturnum". Your submission of this piece was from 2019, but if you're still okay with us using the piece, we'd be honored.

We await your confirmation to use your photography in the upcoming Fall 2022 issue!

Catrin Homuth

Straylight Art Editor

Straylight Literary Magazine

Let's Live for Today by GJ Gillespie. 
October 2022 Dear GJ Gillespie,
! This message confirms the acceptance of your submission to mignolo arts. We would like to publish your piece, "Let's Live for Today" in our upcoming issue.
Stay tuned for more information coming soon!
Thanks again.
Charly Santagado

"Rocking Pneumonia the Boogie Woogie Flu
by GJ Gillespie. 

Dear Gary, 

We love "Rocking Pneumonia the Boogie Woogie Flu" and would be honored to publish it inside Landing Zone's LORE anthology alongside a story.

Thank you for allowing us to fall into your wonderful, original world, and we look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you, again. And congrats!


Nathaniel Buckingham

Landing Zone Magazine

GRIM AND GILDED MAGAZINE Will publish my collage "You Are My Spirit" in the next issue.
You are My Spirit by GJ Gillespie.

The literary journal focuses on "Dark fantasy and science fiction."
January 25, 2023
You are My Spirit by GJ Gillespie.
Mixed media collage. 21 x 16. 2016.
Title after the 1997 song by The Seekers.

To publish "With a Little Help from Our Friends." 
With a Little Help from Our Friends
by GJ Gillespie. 

January 18, 2023
Dear GJ,

Congratulations, we are so dam excited to publish "With a Little Help from Our Friends" in issue 6 of Beaver Magazine! This issue is set to be published in Spring 2023.

Thank you for trusting us with your work, we look forward to hearing back from you!

Haley, Ellery, and Adam
Beaver Magazine Editors


The beaver is a keystone species that shaped the United States water systems and kept the healthy flow of biodiverse ecosystems. We strive to follow the beaver’s example in enhancing interconnectivity and diverse community through creative mediums.


Publishes sketch made in Canada with a Leda Art Supply sketchbook.

Nov. 30, 2022
Dear GJ Gillespie,

Whistler Forest Sketch by GJ Gillespie. 

Congratulations! This message confirms the acceptance of your submission "Whistler Forest" to Quibble's Issue 7, "Simple. Little. Scribble."

The planned launch for "Simple. Little. Scribble" is the first week of December - more updates will come, but this issue may get a little extra love in development.

Please provide any social media links, websites, or anything else we can plug for you.

This issue is going to be spectacular, and all the better for your contribution.

I will be in touch with updates, and anything else that may come up.

Thanks again.


Garrett Souliere


To publish 5 of my artworks!
Pure Imagination by GJ Gillespie. 
Just got word from the editor of the University of Albany, New York's literary journal:
Nov. 22, 2022. Dear GJ Gillespie,
Thank you for sending us "Art of GJ Gillespie." We love it and would like to publish it in the Winter 2023 issue of Barzakh Magazine.
We will follow up with a proof for you to review prior to the publication of the issue on our website in early February.
Thanks again and all the best!
Christy O'Callaghan
Accepts three pieces for publication!

Up Where We Belong
by GJ Gillespie. 
Nov. 10, 2022. 
Dear GJ, 
Thank you for submitting your artwork to our Fall 2022 Issue. On behalf of Ignatian Literary Magazine's editorial team, we would be honored to include your art in our upcoming online issue.
Our team responded strongly to your work and we would be thrilled to publish the following pieces:

"Broken Obelisk"
"Up Where We Belong"
"Whole Lotta Love #1"

We congratulate you again on your acceptance into Ignatian Literary Magazine!

Best regards,
Ignatian Literary Magazine staff 

The Ignatian Literary Magazine is the University of San Francisco’s student-run literary journal, founded during the 1910-11 school year. Over the years, the Ignatian has appeared in a multitude of iterations, ranging from an alumni magazine to an annual yearbook. Now, in its current form, we publish a collection of riveting poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, and art from Bay Area residents and beyond.


Return to Forever by GJ Gillespie.
Collage on canvas. 28 x 22. 2022.
Just got word from editor of Wild Roof Journal, a literary journal, wants to publish one of the
abstracts collages.
This is the 50th time my art has been accepted for publication! It is also the second time my art has appeared in Wild Roof.
From the Editor:
Dear GJ,
! I am glad to inform you that your piece titled "Return to Forever" has been accepted for publication.
We are currently placing work in our Issue #17, which is scheduled for a Nov. release. In addition, we will include bio statement you have provided.
In the meantime, you may check out our current issue and podcast feature at
Thank you for sharing your work with us.
Aaron Lelito
Editor in Chief
Wild Roof Journal
______________________ SCAPEGOAT REVIEW
Just got word from the editor that the Scapegoat Review, a literary and art magazine, wants to publish two of my collage/photography images. Made these during the U of W residency at San Juan Island last month.
This is my 49th publication!

Dear GJ Gillespie,
Native Oak Figure 2 by GJ Gillespie.
Thank you for sending us Native Oak Figures. We love it and would like to publish No. 1 and No. 2 in the spring issue of Scapegoat Review.
Thanks again.
Erika Lutzner, editor

Windmills of Your Mind #4 by GJ Gillespie.
Mixed media collage on canvas. 24 x 24 x.5. 2022.

Dear GJ,
Thank you so much for submitting Windmills of Your Mind. We truly enjoyed the collection and would love to use this piece in our upcoming issue!
We are changing the structure of our publication from larger quarterly issues to smaller monthly collections. Yours will be published in July!
Best, and

Caught in a Dream by GJ Gillespie.
Mixed media collage on paper. 16 x 12. 2017.
Inspired by traditional Australian art.
Just got this message from editor of a literary and art journal called ArtWife.
Dear GJ Gillespie,
! Your submission, "Caught in a Dream", has been accepted for publication in ARTWIFE. We will notify you when your work is live.
Thank you for sharing your work with us.
Erica Harlee, Editor



Visions of Johanna by GJ Gillespie.
From the editor:

We are pleased to inform you that we have selected both "Visions of Johanna" and "In Bluebeard's Castle" to feature in the next issue of 86 Logic (#8). So first and foremost, congrats!
It's an honor to feature your work again! You now belong to a very tiny group of repeat contributors.

We reviewed over a hundred submissions and and ultimately chose nine visual artists for the next issue.

We consider it a privilege to publish such vivid and precise work like yours.
Welcome to our 86 Logic family! We are excited for our audience to see your in print.

Zach Whitman
Artistic Director | 86 Logic Magazine

Bad Case of Loving You by GJ Gillespie. 
Mixed media collage on canvas. 30 x 24. 2022.
PASSENGER'S JOURNAL From the Editor in Chief:
Dear GJ Gillespie,
We're happy to inform you that your submission has received unanimous approval. We would like to publish "Bad Case of Loving You" in our upcoming issue, set for publication on September 1st. There is also the possibility that your work will be selected to appear in the Featured Work section of our website prior to publication.
Your work epitomizes the exact qualities we seek, and we are honored to publish your creation.
Anna Winham

Passengers Journal ___________________________
Old Admirals by GJ Gillespie.
GJ Gillespie,
Thank you for submitting your work to “Rock Salt Journal” for consideration in our Fall 2022 issue. We would like to accept your piece "Old Admirals" for publication. The issue will be published October 2022.
Thanks again. Best,
Jonah Bradenday Editor

Accepts abstract figure for Summer 2022 Issue. 
Eve of Destruction by GJ Gillespie.

Dear GJ Gillespie,

Thank you for sending us "Cryptic Figures ". Our editors feel that your piece "Eve of Destruction" fits well with Twisted Vine Literary Arts Journal, and it has been accepted for publication in our next issue. Congratulations!

Twisted Vine Literary Arts Journal Staff
Publication of Western New Mexico University


DeLudge Literary and Arts Journal  

Believe in Forever by GJ Gillespie

Dear GJ Gillespie:
thank you for your submission to deLuge Literary and Arts Journal; and we are excited to accept the following for publication in our next issue:
- Believe in Forever
- Shelter from the Storm
. We are thrilled to include your work in deLuge. We will give you the opportunity to proof your work before we publish the issue online and, of course, let you know when the issue is published.
again and we look forward to showcasing your work!
Sue Scavo
deLuge Literary and Arts Journal

The Closed Eye Open Magazine Summer 2022
Hello GJ,
Libation Bearers by GJ Gillespie.
! We enjoyed reviewing your artwork once again and have accepted the pieces "Series of Dreams #2" and "Libation Bearers" for publication in The Closed Eye Open.
We are beginning to place work into Issue VII, which is planned for a summer release.
Thank you for sharing your work with us,
Daniel Morgan

Three collages in spring 2022 issue of this literary and art publication. 

Psychotic Reaction by GJ Gillespie. 
Collage. 37 x 24. 2017.  

Psychotic Reaction

About: “We are looking for work that spills secrets and wipes the dust off of old memories.” 

 I Hear Music in the Air by GJ Gillespie. 17 x 22. 2016. 

Editor of the literary and art journal to Shoreline Community College called to say that he will use 5 of my collages in the June, 2022 issue.

Dear GJ,
Where is My Mind 3 by GJ Gillespie.
8 x 12. 2017. 

We would very much like to publish one your submissions, "Where is my mind 3," in the fall 2022 print and electronic editions of Making Waves: a West Michigan Review.
Thank you for your submission and for allowing us to participate in the creative process with you.

PUMPERNICKEL HOUSE ACCEPTS 7 Pumpernickel House, a literary and art journal focused on fantasy and fairytales will feature 7 of my collages in next issue!

 Orpheus and Eurydice by GJ Gillespie.
Hi GJ,
I love these! I would be thrilled to purchase all of them for use in Pumpernickel House #1 The Blue Door.
Couri Johnson


Maybe I'm Amazed by GJ Gillespie. 
Accepts 4 collages for publication April 2022

From the editor:
Dear GJ,
Thank you so much for sending us your artwork! We loved your pieces and are thrilled to say that we'd like to 
publish "Sweet Nothings," "Maybe I'm Amazed," "Carrie Anne" and "Angelus #2" in our upcoming Fatal Flaw issue, launching in April. Congratulations!

Mollye Miller Shehadeh
Photography / Visual Art Editor
Fatal Flaw Magazine

See art here


Why Do Fools Fall in Love by GJ Gillespie.
Mixed media collage. 22 z 17. 2017.

Chosen for Publication by San Fransisco based literary 
magazine Chariot Press.
To appear spring 2022. 



Accepts two collages for publication. 

Juanita Beach by GJ Gillespie
March 2022

Dear GJ Gillespie,
Thank you for submitting your art to Sand Hills Literary Magazine. We are in love with your work; your unique style and creativity are exactly what we are looking for.
Please let us know if "Sloop John B" and "Jaunita Beach" are still available, as we would be honored to include them in our upcoming spring issue.
Congratulations and thank you again for sharing your work with us. We look forward to showcasing your artwork and working with you to produce the next issue of Sand Hills Literary Magazine.


Series of Dreams by GJ Gillespie

Literary and art journal based in Maine accepts 9 pieces for publication. 
See art here. 


Three abstract figure collages set for publication in this literary journal.
Winter 2021

Personages #9 by GJ Gilles.pie

See works here. 



Sign of the Times by GJ Gillespie.
Mixed media collage on paper. 23 x 17. 2017.
"Searching for a Heart of Gold" and "Sign of the Times" now in issue 7 of this digital arts journal. More here.


Dying Gall by GJ Gillespie

Dear GJ Gillespie,
! This message confirms the acceptance of your submission to Mignolo Arts.
We would like to publish your piece, Dying Gaul in our upcoming Issue No. 5: "Visual Art & Everything Else."
Thanks again.
Charly Santagado
Mignolo Arts



All Apologies by GJ Gillespie

Dear GJ Gillespie,
Thank you for sending us your work. After careful consideration, we are pleased to inform you that we would like to publish your pieces "All Apologies" and "Kiss the Sky" in the coming issue of Twyckenham Notes! We were struck by your work and would be honored to share it with the world.
Publication will be mid to late December 2021.
and welcome to Twyckenham Notes!
Austin Veldman, Editor
Twyckenham Notes See Art here _____________________________


Earth Angel by GJ Gillespie

Dear GJ,

Thanks again for sending us Art of GJ Gillespie. We love Imitation of Life, Earth Angel, and Blue Eyes Crying. We would like to publish them in the Spring issue of NDR! 

Please note this is for acceptance in the Spring issue, rather than the upcoming Winter issue (due out in December). The Spring issue will be out in May 2022. Congratulations!

Thanks again for trusting us with your work. We can't wait to share it with our readers!


Erin Little

New Delta Review

See the art here



"Prometheus Bound," "Walk Like an Egyptian," "Lost Dog," "Threshold #15," "Raft of Medusa 1," "Phaeton Falling," "Angelus #5," and "Narcissus." 

JULY 2021 

Phaeton Falling by GJ Gillespie

Dear GJ, 

We love your art and would like to publish NINE of these pieces in the upcoming issue of the Lunch Break Zine: "Prometheus Bound," "Walk Like an Egyptian," "Lost Dog," "Threshold #15," "Raft of Medusa 1," "Phaeton Falling," "Angelus #5," and "Narcissus."

We were all ooh'ing and ahh'ing over these pieces - tormenting ourselves on which to accept. We even think we might have a cover image in "Narcissus" or "Desperado!" 

We are so grateful you chose to submit such strong work to us; welcome to the Lunch Break Zine family! 

All best,

Matt & the Lunch Break Zine team 



Smoke on the Water by GJ Gillespie. SOLD

From editors of Camas, a literary and art magazine based at the University of Montana.
Dear GJ,
! We would like to officially select 'Smoke On the Water' for the Winter 2021 issue of Camas. We were awed by your piece and are honored to offer it a place to nest.
Thank you again for your submission - we can't wait to share your work with our readers!
Zoey Greenberg and Paulina Jenney
Senior Editors, Camas Magazine

(This piece sold after a show at the Cascadia Art Museum in Edmonds.)

I'm Your Venus by GJ Gillespie. 
Publishes "I'm Your Venus". 
July, 2021. 



Legacy #3 by GJ Gillespie. 
My college will appear in Apricity, the official literary and art journal for the University of Texas at Austin. From the editor:
Hi GJ, Thank you for submitting your work to Apricity! We are honored to say we have accepted Legacy #3 for online publication. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to appreciate your art!
Your piece is eligible to be featured in Apricity's 5th print edition, which will be released in Spring 2021. We will notify you should we select your artwork to be printed!
SaiPranav Gurijala
Visual Arts Editor
Apricity Magazine


Summertimes Blues by GJ Gillespie. 
Houston based art, film and literature journal to publish: 
Lucky Man, Nike, Broken, You Were On My Mind and Summertimes Blues. 

See images.

Kingdom Within
by GJ Gillespie.
NORTHWEST ART AND LITERARY JOURNAL to publish 4 pieces: Kingdom Within, Something in the Way, The Way You Look Tonight and Midnight Confessions -- previously published by other journals -- will appear in November 2021 issue of Subjectiv.
"Subjectiv is an independent online journal promoting the visual and literary arts in the Pacific Northwest. Published seasonally, the journal features art, photography, poetry, flash fiction and creative nonfiction. We are especially interested in sharing unusual, innovative work with our readers."

Twist and Shout by GJ Gillespie.

Editors of this literary and art journal based in San Francisco accepted 15 works
for publication. These collages -- made since 2014 --will be paired with poems and stories in future issues.


If I Loved You by GJ Gillespie. 

Editors of this University of Baltimore literary and art journal choose three collages by GJ Gillespie for publication in December 2021 and next year: 

I think I Love You, If I Loved You and Sing in the Sunshine. 

See the art here. 

Fresco #3 by GJ Gillespie

Unstamatic Magazine, a literary and art journal based in Montana, will publish "Fresco #3" in the next issue released October 30.


Odysseus by GJ Gillespie.
Volume 5, issue 2 will feature GJ Gillespie art including Odysseus, Carousel of Time, Cry Me a River.  MORE

Set Fire to the Rain by GJ Gillespie.
ART ACCEPTED FOR LONE MOUNTAIN LITERARY JOURNAL 5 pieces for call asking for images concerning "birth, rebirth, renewal, restructuring, and transcendence."
Lone Mountain Literary Society is a collective of writers, editors, and artists based out of San Francisco, California. See art selected here.


Scapegoat Review, a literary journal. features "Series of Dreams" in fall 2021 issue. 


Vitat Regina (Queen Elizabeth)
by GJ Gillespie. SOLD
Vitat Regina (Portrait of Queen Elizabeth) selected for ICONS, 2021 - Online Exhibition.

Dancer and Diver by GJ Gillespie. 
Beyond Words Magazine to publish "Dancer and Diver" in October 2021 issue.

If Not for You by GJ Gillespie.
Editors of this
New England based literary magazine will publish "If Not for You" and "Smoke on the Water".
Both pieces previously appeared in Washington state shows. "Smoke on Water" sold at the Cascadia Art Museum in Edmonds and "If Not for You" at the Ryan James Gallery in Kirkland and in
two other shows in Redmond and Kirkland.

Mr. Sandman by GJ Gillespie.

"We received around 150 submissions and ultimately selected 18 artists for the issue—so it goes without saying we were very impressed with your work. It's a privilege to publish such vivid and precise work."

Two Divided by Love
by GJ Gillespie

"Two Divided by Love" September 2021 issue of Wild Roof Literary Journal

Invisible Men by GJ Gillespie. 

"Invisible Men" wins SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARD in the Light, Space and Time online gallery summer 2021 exhibition.

Narcissus by GJ Gillespie.
Editors picked my cubist figure "Narcissus" for cover of literary journal The Lunch Break Zine, issue # 4, published by alternative music site Out to Lunch Records.
This is my fifth cover.
8 other pieces also appear.

Ghost Rider by GJ Gillespie. 

May 2021
"Ghost Rider" chosen for cover art of Sunspot Literary Journal, Issue 2.
 See it now.

Fool If You Think It's Over by GJ Gillespie.
COVER ART "Fool If You Think It's Over" chosen for cover of inaugural issue of Literary Journal Kithe.

The Way You Look Tonight by GJ Gillespie.
COVER ART "The Way You Look Tonight" chosen for cover for issue 7 of Literary Journal Hey, I'm Alive. It has appeared in several shows in the Seattle area. 

Punishment of Prometheus by GJ Gillespie.

"The Punishment of Prometheus" chosen as featured artwork for June edition of Prometheus Dreaming journal.


Midnight Confessions by GJ Gillespie. SOLD.

OxMag -- other wise known as Oxford Magazine: a Midwestern Journal of Literature and Art -- publishes "Midnight Confessions".

Love Buzz by GJ Gillespie.

Literary Journal Mud City Review.

Six pieces. 
1. Angel of the Morning.
2. Love Buzz.
3. Forever Young.
4. Uncle Albert.
5. Rocking Pneumonia & the Boogie Woogie Flu.
6. Where is My Mind #3.


Where is My Mind by GJ Gillespie
Meat for Tea: The Valley Review, a literary journal from New England, publishes "Where is My Mind" in June issue.
Both hard print and online. _____________________________________________

I Can Only Imagine by GJ Gillespie.
Montana Mouthful, a literary journal, publishes "I Can Only Imagine". See it and another piece on page 13 and 43.

Colors of the Night by GJ Gillespie.

Literary journal 3Elements Review publishes "Colors of the Night." See page 31. ____________________________________ MUD SEASON Published "Where is My Mind #2."
Where is My Mind #2 by GJ Gillespie.

May 2021
Status update from Mud Season Review

I talked with our managing editor and we are happy to take Where is My Mind #2 in place of Where is My Mind (since it was published elsewhere).

Thanks! I'll be sending over interview questions soon.

Mud Season Literary Journal


Never Comes the Day

"Never Comes the Day" in The Tempered Ruin Press quarterly Bluing the Blade --Volume 1, Number 1 -- December 2020.

A literary magazine, The Abstract Elephant Magazine published ten pieces in December, 2020. 

First Place Kaw Kaw
by GJ Gillespie 

AWARDS for Blue Girl Gallery Shows
First Place for Kaw Kaw
Honorable Mention for Life Cycle MORE

Published "Angelus 15." 
Angelus #15 by GJ Gillespie. 

October 2021
Hello GJ,

Congratulations! We enjoyed reviewing your artwork and have accepted the piece "Angelus 15" for publication in The Closed Eye Open. We are beginning to place work into Issue V, which is planned for a late fall release.

We will publish the bio statement you provided as well.

In the meantime, you may check out our current issue and Maya's Micros feature, which are available at our website:

Thank you for sharing your work with us,

Daniel Morgan
The Closed Eye Open

Thought Art Magazine Issue 2, January 2019. 
3 GJ Gillespie pieces selected for current issue.

 Mind Magazine posts Kingdom Within by GJ gillespie an Imagination" Art Contest Winners January 2019. 

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Northwest Collage